SFoL15:Grand Idea (Canned/Lit Club Win)

Hold up what’s your class again?

He made the Revenant class that rolled

So clearly he is votable instead

But he’s dead…

Did you read my reasoning or no

No. I just don’t think you can vote dead people even if they make Revenant’s

Neutral survivor called necroposter if I necropost last I get a random ability and I just gotta survive

please send heals

What counts as a necropost?

Wait a second… There is no necroposter!

noz changed the name it is originally by Nerbins and called the reviver of death threads or something

claiming a class that isn’t even in the classlist as scum would be a #proplay worthy of host noz himself


Found it

This one

Yeah I targetted PKR last night and ended up roleblocking him. He didn’t say anything bout it tho, but Noz seeing as noz mod-confirmed him as the dalmation he probably is good.

Tbh I want cheesy to partake.
They are purposely lurking, giving the bear minimum.

I think cheese should at least give bear moderate levels.

Unless they want to… Throw in the towel :wink:

/Vote 3DT_CheesyKnives


i almost wanted to modkill you for that pun

No it is Vulgard he is 10000% scum trust me I have info

You just said you didn’t. And why should I care anyways? Why do YOU care?

Cuz he voted me like a meanie and I am a very sensitive lil’ teddy bear


Both of which are 100% valid reasons which answer all questions.

/vote Vulgard