SFoL15:Grand Idea (Canned/Lit Club Win)

I’m giving you all until I get in study hall to submit actions. After that I won’t be accepting actions and I’ll begin sending out nightvresults

NO PM=Slept Peacefully

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As the sun rose there was an unsettling chill… it as if you knew something was wrong. The bodies of NightX A Suicdal Citizen , Polik, a According to all known laws of aviation There is no way a revenant should be able to fly, Ici A Physician , Marl or by his true name Yuri , and finally our King who wrote of a Literature Club of which he was obsessed with. Insanity was a Literature Club King

The king has died and a new one must arise, anybody with royal blood may step up for king, after 24 hours everyone can step up



4 deaths, holy shit.

This is going to end quickly isn’t it.

Actually, 5 deaths. Counting skill -10.

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Fuck sake I’m bleeding and the phys is dead

This shit always happens to me

I didn’t actually ask this question before, but @Ami is there any limit on the amount of evil factions that can appear in this gamemode?

no there is not

Then we really are screwed.

And by “we” I’m implying there actually is someone else in my faction who is still alive.

I hard claim alchemist. I will heal Hippo tonight to prove.

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Nooo- I mean yeeeees

Can you show or link to those cards?

Don’t heal hippo.

What gave you the idea I’m a healer?


I’ll just come out

I’m a Rampaging Carrot

I promise to be friendly, but I literally cannot be voted or killed at night, so good luck getting rid of me

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BTW I’m very interested to see whether @NuclearBurrito can actually heal

Wait does Suicidal Citizen just kill themselves N1

That’s sad


Noz probably renamed this

Rest in peace

Sad day for the suicidal citizen
Now he has to rely on us to win