SFoL15:Grand Idea (Canned/Lit Club Win)

Self defence yeh. I killed whoever visited me last night.

Not self defense
Visit =/= attack

2/4 scum dead.

It’s a 50% chance I killed scum.

Alright, I checked the imsomniacs card and while Passover don’t transfer over, technically attacks are moved to the “very end of the day”, even after twilight
So lynching you should stop you from killing, unless noz changed it.

I have stated all actions take place EoD

Also, you cannot stand up to be king, even if you wanted to. The reason why you were voted up was because the King election was already over, and the new King’s Dama

I never did confirm myself?
I’ve borked all flipping day

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If someone could occupy Jack, that would be great.
Normally I would say it’s fine, if he was just killing orange (im fine with you being here, but currently you’re benign, not necessarily bd sided), but he said he’ll WIFOM it between those who execute them, and I’d prefer that not happen

I’m not pardoning jack and voting someone else up at this point holy shit

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Yeah, that’s why he should be occupied

I refuse to let people get away with the worst lynch train I have seen. If any logical person exists, they wouldn’t be voting me, and if they where, they would give a good reason after a scum hunt, and I wouldn’t mind it.

But no, all that happened was “pick a guy, vote gg”

Also, if I’m neutral, and my role has been set in stone, you should be lynching scum and not me, lynching me won’t end this game sooner, you have to find scum.

It’s grand idea m8 I imagine most people are evil and are just glad they’re not being lynched. I wouldn’t question it too much.

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Technically, you’ve already killed someone (which one was that, by the way, I’m curious) and you are neutral, and the combination makes for an okay lynch target.

And yes, you are neutral. The factions are predetermined, publicly attached to the card (in the classcard thread), and unless otherwise affected by the/a class, set in stone.

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But if you aren’t lynched, would you promise to no longer kill?
(even if it’s only visitors)

Yeh. I’ve already offered to use my towel to stop the bleeding :confused: legit just wanted to have fun with this towel power.

ugh, fine. you’ve convinced me.
how about for today/tonight (this action phase):
you WIFOM between:
giving me the towel and seeing how i use it (inspecting me)
using it to stop potential bleeding (healing me)

both of those are targeting me, but if someone else wants to be healed/inspected, just say so

Thank you for listening to a voice of reason :heartbeat:

Can you use the towel as a slingshot to bail me out of Adiart? If so, then I’m pardoning.

That’s not a reasonable towel action

So no

He believes the fakeclaim lol