SFoL15:Grand Idea (Canned/Lit Club Win)

But that’s like saying that everybody is a prosecutor because they can vote to put somebody on trial

Technically it fits the loose definition, but that’s besides the point

They don’t put the person on trial. They just shoot them and they immediately die.


I was drawing a parallel



explain the day deaths.

Insomniac I think

what did i just claim reeeeeeeeee

Ok quote the role plez then.

Day ability 1: Up all night - for the next night and day, all classes can only perform day abilities this night, and night abilities the next day. killings are shown directly before the day ends, and the anyone jailed is unable to talk or see chat besides prince, but prince can still chat normally. This is announced, and evil conferences and voting (minus King’s extra vote) still occur during night and day, respectively - 3 uses

He deleted a post plz ban

it wouldve been gamethrowing otherwise no u

gamethrowing? metagaming?

Oh shit did you just quote a PM

Because that’s an instant modkill lmao

I meant to quote the description you mem :^)

lucky no one saw

howd ya know that im not lying though :wink:

3_DT cheesy knives has been modkilled for quoting role PM. He was an Insominiac (I can see edits. I’m not an idiot)


rip in peace

welp there goes my vote :confused:


anyway for an update on who is dead/alive?

I’m alive.
Damn dalmation with annoying post restriction

Updating graveyard SoonTM