SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

it depend

Youā€™d better convert or kill me tonight, Hippo cuz Iā€™m gonna check ya.

Also itā€™s probably for the best if you donā€™t guard me

Oh wait I think now I know what Marl is

Being super vague and claiming roles that donā€™t exist is in no way town-motivated. If marl was town and wanted to hide he would not have said anything. If he wanted to claim or confirm he would. There is no reason as town to do what marl is doing.

So like I said doesnā€™t really matter who you guard or even if you guard but guarding marl is suspicious.

Enlighten me.

But wonā€™t that ruin the purpose of your claim

If youā€™ve managed to figure out what I am I wonā€™t even be mad

No I mean

Isnā€™t that the purpose of your claim


You make a good point and your logic is sound! However, Iā€™m trying a dumb strategy and seeing what comes of it.


So I wont say what I think you are.

I figured out what you are but itā€™s not a class in this game


Just remember, It wouldnā€™t be a Carnival if it wasnā€™t a Clown Fiesta!

There is No fool, at least, not in the way we think there is

What do you think of this game so far Livicus?

I donā€™t know how any of you play, so I guess from here itā€™s on learning how you guys play BD or Scum

Whatā€™s your lean on Vulgard right now specifically?

Based on what Iā€™m seeing, heā€™s acting like a scum in being ambiguous, not adding helpful discussion at the moment, saying this is going nowhere, and jokingly talking about your alignment. But I could be wrong.