SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

on pc you can click on them, and then click the “x posts in topic” button

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Yeah wow we really need some FM-friendly plugins

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Report for hax!!!1!11


Hmm that sounds hefty suspicious though

Hi guys I’m claiming Mastermind /s

Then who is your assassin

Don’t be silly, it’s you!

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:eyes: Maybe I should check Luxx with my unconvertable investigative powers.

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/assassinate Marl


Marl’s eyes only :3

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Yes. Very reliable reads day one. Definitely.

Do you doubt our scumreading skills?

I can give you a 4/4 scum team pitch (both the two current scum and both their future converts) in addition to the nk right now.

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MM - Polik
Assassin - Polik
Aristocrat - Polik
Electrocutioner - Polik

see you bois in the postgame for how right my predictions were


Ah! He got me! Now I must lynch myself!

POLIK has killed himself, he was Scum-who-was-find-out-by-Marl’s-read-day-one

Inb4 it’s a cult game with a non-electructioner nk so my predictions are not only wrong but are impossible.

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inb4 I am Cult Leader … again.

(I’ve been Cult Leader three times in a row.)

You were a priest in SFOL 13 :thinking:

I was.
But I had been the CL three times in a row.

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Stop claiming Squire then lol