SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

We are all tricky tricksters.

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what did marl claim?

Trickster theif, roleblocker, mastermind, bulter. NK.

In other words. Nothing.

Too many meanings to be considered useful.
It is just a memery attempt.
Or is it?

Welcome to Day One, where there is nothing but foolishness and jokes.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

I hate Day 1

You could guard me tonight if you wanted

And @Margaret Day 1 is great

You can say all the things you want

@Icibalus How much longer till N1?

2 hours and 8 minutes

Well, King, how was Day 1?

You figured out who to guard?

Let me seeā€¦ well i will think about it but for now Marl is Mark as Top Target And he better try to confirm himself tomorrow

Okay, I hope youā€™re making the right choice

As long as the prince doesnā€™t jail my target Iā€™ll be able to prove.

I give up on art contest manā€¦

Donā€™t let your dreams be dreams!

Asking to be converted is gamethrowing. You must assume that your current objective will be yours for the rest of the game.


Thatā€™s what I figured. I was just curious as to why that isnā€™t written in the FoL rules anywhere

Although I doubt anyone would be silly enough to ask for a convert anyway

Oh shit thereā€™s like 2 minutes left in d1

Nighty Night Sleep tight bois

I have come on to say good bye to day 1 D: