SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

All players have confirmed. Night one begins and will end in 48 hours. Send in your night actions now!

You may not post.


Please note itā€™s still not too late to send in your A R T

By request from the person who has the Trickster/Fool, New Prize is now a passive. Have a look at the OP to see their new class card.

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2 players have died in the night!

Insanity has died, we have determined by the staff found beside their body they were a Court Wizard.

Simon has died, wearing a strange cloak with a forbidden sigil on it. He had to be that figure of dread, the Mastermind.

Neither of them left a journal.

Here ye, hear ye! My Noble lord brings thee a message!

Noble here. There are two of us.

Voting for the contest is going up shortly. Day two begins and will end in 96 hours if not shortened by execution. You may now post

A reminder that if you received no PM you slept peacefully, and your ability gave you no feedback.

good morning unseen game boi

Meaning our prince is an actual god among men?

prince cannot exe N1 i guess

Prince CAN Exe N1.

ok it prince really did it then he is god

what you think about mastermind die night one? i guess it might be NK or even yolo alch

Well MM dead means that no converts tonight then

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ā€¦The mastermind is death immune boio, it has to be the prince iā€™m pretty sure. Unless he was possessed into a knight / bear or something.

Which is unlikely

And Noble sent a crier saying thereā€™s two but then whereā€™s the second Crier?

Breaking news: Icibalus is a special term known as an idiot. I will not reveal anything more but Simon should not have died last night. Errors will be kept to a minimum from now on, and I may have to give the Unseen certain compensations for this.


Wait Simon isnā€™t dead?

He is, but he shouldnā€™t be.

What if Unseen maximum limit extends to four for this game in compensation of dead MM N1?

(I am not Unseen just fyi)

Event: Art Contest Voting

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Please send in votes to your favoruite entry! The player with the most votes at the end of Day Two will receive the prize!

Is this also just /vote and entry number?

Yes, it is.