SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

What are the “Prizes” btw?

Special abilities and items one can get for winning events.

Can I get a modbias ticket as an item that allows me to request a modkill? :thinking:

Ashe had no part in the design of this game


Can I get a “Instantly good at things irl” ticket?
I can’t do anything for the life of me


Would my prize be the Gambler Class being added to FoL?? Thats coolios


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Both of my purgatory prodigies are here :sob: They grow up so fast.

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Oh noes. Prodigies! :wink:

I like Ici games a lil’ bit

But should I join

As in do I want to multi-table that hard



Have you even seen the multitable flow chat tho

I have no idea what that is so i’m going to say no




Revenant ya or nay

Revenant has the potential to spawn in this game.

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