SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

Hi I’m here. Do you want my claim?

Slept peacefully btw

idk it there is knight or physician but 2 person claim to be important

it there is knight or physician (alch might do too)i suggest be on Luxx as she is mostly BD or neut(not NK) you can also be on marl too it you want

Shell #2 since ya mixed it up :wink:

I believe someone has forgot that there is a whole faction of neutrals.

I’m sorry what? A neutral Killer and two non-NK neutrals?

There’s a whole faction of neutrals means, there’s not just NK.
There are neut non-killers
Your post literally ignored the fact Luxx can be neut

If you insist, fine.

Well I do.
Unless there’s been something posted which said we have no neuts

I feel like im going to die n2

My gut is saying something and I don’t know why for once.
I think me getting back into FM has grown my confidence

What’s it saying?

What the hell are you claiming here

I’m getting Neut!Celeste for some reason.
I honestly have no clue where from

Oh wow congrats PKR

I also haven’t really seen you claim
So if you’ve already claimed then Idk why.

I have not yet claimed im just wondering what Marl is claiming

@Marluxion what do you think?

…What? I’m talking about this game. I’m not talking about FOL12.