SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

I’m always down for a Celeste Lynch

Rood marl

I don’t agree with that much…
But… I just don’t know.

That was a joke
Celeste doesn’t contribute much as town and I have no idea how to read them scummy yet.

Marl fine dont claim or anything just means someone gets killed tonight and its likely me

/Vote Celeste

I have an idea

Good try Dama but u gonna cause more trouble than you already are kek

So lynching them technically gives info for future games at least.
INB4 lynching clever newbies becomes a PL

/Vote Celeste

What do you mean

1 Like

Im obviously Neutral

Sarcasm intended

Mention me on discord if im on trial

You’re not helping your case.

/Vote Celeste

don’t lynch anybody until i get my mod confirmation on something though

I start a wagon now I feel good.

/Vote Celeste




I suggested them being non-BD.
Implying that I was going to start a wagon
You just sheeped off my idea :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair though, boss has sheeped every wagon so far :stuck_out_tongue: