SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

what is you read on me?


Iā€™m getting non-Evil at least.
So not too bad

i am good king to be honest but i dont know how will i confirm myself too so as long as i am not on evil list it all good

Just donā€™t do anything very scummy and weā€™ll be cool, capiche?
The second you slip up is the second you slip off that throne.

Iā€™m a rebel. I donā€™t hop on wagons for no good reason!

Nuclearā€¦ You know my gutā€™s pretty good.
Also, Celesteā€™s reaction doesnā€™t say Town to me.

My vote stay on Celeste for not defending himself on trial

want me to royal finger? it might be too early thought

Prince can 100% confirm me as BD, not neutral.

Celeste cannot be confirmed thoughā€¦
/vote Celeste

Well if a Dev says it then it must be true.

1 Like

/Vote Celeste

/vote Celeste.

Slept peacefully, Celeste raised multiple red flags in a short period of time.

Youā€™re welcome for me getting them to do these reactions.

17 in game.
2 died, 1 by mistake (But still counts (I wonder if Iciā€™s going to give Unseen some sort of buff to make up for that blunder))

So 15 alive.
15+1=16/2=8 majority

The vote count of a pokemon kid
Celeste (7): Dama, me, marl, Boss, Luxx, Nuclear, Vul

He already said that he is. I just wonder what it is. I hope he tells us by the end of the game.

did you just kill a night immune role

why not just re-roll

the game literally just started lmao


I meanā€¦ technically Poss throwing him into a Knight is possible but there isnā€™t any dead knights.

Iā€™m cool with a reroll for the record.
