SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

ici already said he screwed up

literally just re-roll dude

I’m cool with it.
Although totally would like to keep my class

And if it’s too late now, it probably should have been done immediately.

I doubt it’s too late.
This game has only gone on for a few days total

I’m not opposed to a re-roll
Even though being a convert immune investigator is pretty dope

If there is a reroll, can i join in this time rather than being backup?

Depends on if someone wants to replace out

It’s an expandable setup though


Well, Marl.
Wouldn’t matter about replacements as we’d already have essentially a blank slate

The one time I’m confirmed to be good and no suspicion on me, game potentially gets rerolled ):

its no fun if you aren’t scum :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone vote Luxx D1 after reroll

You’re not confirmed good yet :angry:

Not until I get my mod confirmation

What did I miss?

Everybody is voting celeste, join the Party~

Well Luxx cant be the MM or the killer, so she’s safe, right?

/join party

I think you should probably actually /vote celeste just in case ici doesn’t count that, lel

Majority is reached on celeste!
(Despite the fact this will / should be rerolled probably)


Can’t be NK, nor Mastermind, nor Converted, plus Prince got my claim with 100% proof of my class :wink:


Confirmed Marshall from Wolfy’s game.
Vote immediately.

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