SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

i’ve never ever been prince in my like 25 games of playing

Oh I mean, nevermind, once people have all confirmed



Inb4 you executed me and lost your axe

@Boss110 I was Hunter btw

I wasn’t ever gonna exe you lol

you were just annoying

I was just trying to get protection without opening myself up to conversion tbh. I figured acting fool/hunter/prince esque might buy me some time. Apologizes for that

what were you?


See, it wasn’t really worth derailing like 1/3 of the discussion just so an observer is slightly less likely to be targeted.

I’d be interested to know who the evils were, I didn’t really have any strong reads so everyone was playing pretty well.

Vulgard is one, is my guess.

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Srsly tho Ici if i get court wizard or some shit i’m going rogue af :wink:

I bet I’m gonna role the same class over again, guaranteed

Hey it’s i42"claims noble but doesn’t tell Prince other noble"-Luxx

Also, I would have lurked and tried to lay low but people would have lynched me for that since it’s never really my play style.

Didn’t really know how to go about getting protection without being forced to claim :thinking:

At least let us keep events :frowning: I worked hard on that art I support the reroll doh

Trust me if we redo the art competition Luxx will stomp us

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I have no idea why I didn’t say who second noble was, think I thought “what if Prince gets converted!”

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That too