SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled


Oh boi, an art game. Time to prove my skill.

Thatā€™s why a good host will always take that into consideration and not make it that obvious who is what


Thatā€™s true! I was just giving him an example of what angle shooting is though, since he asked.

Thatā€™s literally exactly what he did in the other thread lmao

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I never claimed it to be a good and/or original example :^)

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@Icibalus An hour count till day 2? Itā€™s 11PM and Iā€™m still drawing. Looks shit btw, so donā€™t be hyped up or anything xD

19 hours remain in the game.


Actually, it doesnā€™t have to look good to be good. :slight_smile:

After all, we, the players, will be voting. And some of us can have bad taste. :stuck_out_tongue:

/confirm lucky number 17th


Art event? Eh Iā€™ll vote whoever I find deserve a price.


ā€¦I canā€™t draw. Ici, I default.

Well someoneā€™s awfully talkative without being a proven convert immune Sheriff/Pally, and even denying that fact. Also, no one better target me N1 just because Iā€™m the new player

Paladin and Sherrif are convert immune in FoL, and in this game

Oh and even though I do have a Korean flag Iā€™m still PST so this fits my time quite nicely at midnight

And Iā€™m just thinking; I know itā€™s convert immune

Pretty sure Marl is just Prince and being unnecessarily vague about it.

But that doesnā€™t classify as Investigate, and even though Jail is all the other four, it doesnā€™t work as a clear investigating tool in my opinion

He might just consider Imprison an investigative ability for some reason, because you get exact claims from people.

He already denied being Sheriff/Paladin, and there is no other BD class which is both Investigative and convert immune.

Prince is the only class that fits.

Iā€™d still consider forcing claims out of people as Social, like the Psychic

Psychic can be converted.

Marl could be lying about being convert immune to throw the evils off, Iā€™m not denying that possibility.