SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

That execute was a joke
the trial hasn’t started yet meaning it doesn’t count

let’s hope marl has balls and really doesn’t claim to make it interesting

I was asking for your claim to see if u were converible


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I know but claiming a class that doesn’t exist is annoying tbh so i wanna hang u

i am very fickle

I think you just aren’t sure of whether or not you should convert me tbh

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Oh no, I’m always very confident of the answer to that don’t you worry.


I see
So you killed Simon in the night just so you could become the new MM and convert me!?!?!?!


Also, I already said I’d hard claim once I got confirmation on something

I havent read thread alot

If you haven’t read it why do you talk about it so much :eyes:

I read the other thread

There were no mistakes last night other than the mistaken kill

Notice how late I was to the shell game

Did u kill him thinking my Scout killed people :thinking:


VC pending.