SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

That’s almost laughable tbh Celeste.
I think you’ve just HARD scumslipped.

And how would i have done that :thinking:

/vote Celeste

You made a big mistake there

I can’t vote so that’s a little sad

WHERE :woman_facepalming:



Im confused

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Celeste 2

I think I get it

Atleast I can do this /Vote celeste

**takes out gunIo

I understand what Celeste is saying - I just think she’s assuming the assassin Distracted her

Assassin Distract or heretic Indulgence

Mole scum to?

Well her assumption is making an ass out of u and me.
So, she’s wrong.

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50% chance PKR is scum cuz Assassin cant do both Poison and DistrCt

By that logic 50 percent ur scum


Thats my logic :thinking: so where the hell did you get a scumslip from

That is true.

Counterpoint - why would PKR claim Poisoned then?

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PKR is town /vote Celeste

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Poison is easy to claim especially since its so late in the game, not a single healer to heal it, nor game will last long enough for him to die to it. Its a common thing from the assassin to claim poisoned to get someone out and confirm themselves