SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Anyone can be co-host, Orange?

It was already decided who is the co-host OuO

“Reddit might have nsfw content
but that i42 forum?! fuck those guys!”
-Orange’s School

People say never is ever with a n.
But isn’t ever just a ever without n

\Rule 34/

(Don’t ask how do I know it)

How to perfectly kill a conversation 101.

/confirm I didnt get a classcard

That’s because the game hasn’t started yet!

How can you /confirm a card that you HAVEN’T RECEIVED

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Ask hippo

I told him to earlier and he did

By confirming you may receive it

Roll! Roll! Roolllll! :smiley:

Why we are waiting want to play baseball
:baseball: catch

inb4 Shurian gets druid
the other super slow nk :^)

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Still sad plumber didn’t make it

Just wait for Chaos 2


Class spoiler
Class spoiler
Class spoiler
Class spoiler
Class spoiler

Nothing at all.

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I hope the class cards come by lunch…