SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Yeah I’m killing Polik tonight. If I die then he is BD.


You could always kill the confirmed scum?


No… polik is a good alchemist, just inactive


So we lost maj

Cause boss…

Don’t Lynch him plz, he doesn’t deserve to lose

Hey mole wanna vote yourself

/Vote Marl

Wrong person

/Vote mole

Even when he dead

I want him lynched…

Nah, vote polik


Vote mole

Hey polik

Mole wants u dead.

Good enough a reason to lynch mole

I don’t, polik is alch

Clearly see a contradiction couple post above

Polik isn’t alchemist 100% alchs always bomb to prove. Polik is almost certainly Mole’s scum buddy or possibly evil neutral. If he truly is imma be disappointed. Either way I’m wiping him off the face of the earth tonight.


Vote mole?

I said you should vote polik

I’d rather vote polik but I’m happy either way

Meaning you want polik to die but for me I seem like a bad guy?

They are both confirmed scum so it doesn’t matter.