SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

No good townie would take themselves off their own scumlist with no evidence :thinking:

Its not yours. Its mine. back away from the list

No good townie would do that. Which is why I am not a good townie. I am a “Bad” Townie

Exactly! Glad you understand.

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I advise everyone TO BE VERY AGRESSIVE.
Don’t bite peoples heads off.
Cut them off!

I would but it kind of goes against my usual playstyle.

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On the subject of Wolfy. Fire, would you kindly give us some reasons you want to lynch him? Like actual evidence?

My playstyle is to accuse people.

It works out over 50% of the time because people don’t understand the logic.
now there are 2 dead people. Cuts it down to 14. Minus one which is the king. 13.
PKR was jailed. 12. Shurian is a redirector? 11. Marl alch? 10. Me myself? 9. Mole said dama was good. Trusting his word. Taking them both off 7.

2-3 unseen 1 NK.

plus our prince is dead

I am aware of your playstyle.

But why Wolfy in particular?

You never answered that.

Well hold on folk while I remind you of my list for you!

Here you go folk

I thought I had one more.

Would you like to pick someone today?

Knowing my luck, it’s going to be me.

How about Fire.


I said my list


Why should I trust you list?

That can be a diversion so we are focused on the list while the real scum is not in there.

I gave you the reasons.

You should learn to read cause my reasons actually made sense.