SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Okay fair enough.

Don’t worry guys I will do what I do every time I am a NK
Kill the king and kill all royal blood

No! How could you be so cruel?

5.71 LoFS ni flesym ta skooL

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Um I don’t speak that…
I take a Latin class tho :slight_smile:

Which was why I was happy when I saw a game called

Bread and circuses

Why do I feel as if I am going to make up 1/4 of the post

Nah, a couple of us (myself included) don’t know how to keep our mouths shut.
So posting activity will be bumped once the game has started
Unless I roll scum and lurk or some dumb shit

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I will eat your soul


Quick! Record them!

Don’t worry I already thought of it
-has a helicopter taking
Video coverage-

Don’t worry prepared

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Nevermind I somehow signed up already.


If I get alch

I will let the world burn around me
And get my first 2 kills

Does knight get saved from the first attack he protects?

He just assumed

You never even typed


I’m /in

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Guys I promised I did my hw…

I pre-inned you


Does knight have his armor that protects him against the first attack he defends?


don’t think so… wait is this a joke?
