SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

:man_shrugging: Well, my vote’ll stay until someone scummier pops up.
Here’s hoping people just waking up don’t see your slip and quick hammer you.


it useless

Here’s hoping that those who see the “slip” also realise there’s 4 ways I can be hard confirmed.

I just want to chop someone’s face off

Make sure it’s not mine fire.
Since I can be proven and Princess is extremely useful here.
Because I could find a potential Baron.

I saw that edit

(Boss is spy-crab now. I like it :+1:)


Hey captain


It’s not a retraction of any info.
Just changing it so it makes more grammatical sense.
You don’t say 2 sentences in a row with the same opener if you can avoid it.


You keep telling ur self that :slight_smile:

Is it or is it not true Kitten?
If you “saw the edit”
Then you’d have seen said edit and know what it was.

Pretty sure he’s just shitposting
not serious


Ur going to jail mate :slight_smile:

Marl this is clearly not a shitpost.
Can I find baron? Yes.
As Baron will claim to be a royal blood associated class.
Then I can thrash their claim to the ground!

Talking about me…

Yes, i meant him teasing you about your edit was shitposting

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:thinking: It’s a characteristic of scum to be overly concerned about how they appear to other people.

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So who should I be voting?

I take things seriously all the time.
You know that this is the case marl.
If I was MM, I couldn’t prove myself, as I wouldn’t have royal blood.
So why would I keep encouraging for people to prove me?

If I was Baron, why would I encourage for people to prove I cannot be Baron too?
As I cannot be investigated to be seen as BD if I’m a neutral~

listen to marl, he is using ici alch startegy