SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]


PokemonKidRyan - Moleland, :b:oss110 2/8

Nozbugz - Firekitten, Pokemonkidryan, Marluxion, Wolfy 4/8

With 14 alive, the majority for hammer is 8.

Most likely

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/vote noz

Who do you think is trhe most suspicious
Besides me pkr and noz


Can’t vote -./

Ah thanks

You said you can’t vote beflre


No triple ping moderator 426005_1


Thanks fire for reminding me so i dont get modkilled

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@Margaret ping pong


Going to take a shower


Thats cool, 1 more ping is fine. You legit triple pinged me earlier :woman_shrugging:

They were in different posts though

cough Still a triple ping cough

The struggle when you on vacation into warmer areas :thinking:

I wonder how many Celeste pings I can fit into one post

Hey Noz what did you claim again