SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Is everyone voting noz?

Didn’t the French Revolution fail?

I dunno I decided to embrace the fact noone was doing anything game related and join in. I didn’t do it for me, I did it for my cholesterol.

The first one worked. But the eventually went back to a monoarchy. Then they had another revolution.

Real talk: who would win in a fight between liberty, equality, and fraternity?

Here’s the thing: You also came back on April Fool’s day, sooooo

Lol Nerbins you gotta choose between being an occasional shit poster or spectate. You can’t spectate and then post in thread dude.

Yes he can

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He’s stays cause he is funny

I chose this

I appreciate the occasional meme post but you really shouldn’t post in thread as a spectator.

I will make three shit-posts in a real life day. Deal? Also, I like how you pointed this out after I insinuated you possibly weren’t Jesus and actually a fool.

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Of course I had to put an end to your blasphemous out burst!

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The fact I see the loophole

Is awesome

Wait, there’s a loophole?

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He promises to post atleast three times a day…

Doesn’t say he can’t do more

I will make no more then three shit-posts a day.

(but seriously, there is a big difference between memeing in a game as a non-participant and memeing as a spectator. even though I know you’re intentions are pure you may accidentally give us some info)