SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

You’re barriering me my boi

Pkr don’t use your fancy logic to win arguments in a game
I really don’t like your logic even it makes sense
It’s like saying you have no proof I murdered that guy

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I got a new idea…

Just so you’re aware, this is how PKR always speaks when he is scum
He plays aggressive and doesn’t care how people read him when he’s town
This isn’t town pkr
So barrier me.

Like a normal human being?
I hate to say it but it’d be better for me to flirt with a confirmed non-Unseen as that means I would be confirmed a ton quicker xx
I think I’m listening to Hip over you here.
As why listen to an Alchemist who is threatening to kill a princess and is trying to take away protection too

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But seriously there is a paradox
With my class
That I can see very easily -.-

dear god

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We all are frewns here calm down guys :slight_smile:

That’s a funny idea marl.
As Mastermind would totally want nobody to be converted for 2 nights.
Assuming I’m MM, I have no royal blood.
Which can be proven upon King’s death.
If Kitten is on me I CANNOT have my royal blood removed
Meaning I will still be fully confirmed as not MM

The thing is
Negative effect means removing royal blood. But I am not complaining but receiving royal blood

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So you want me dead so you can confirm yourself


And yet it doesn’t prove you as not baron
PKR, I don’t care how confirmed you think you are
I will bomb you if you haven’t caught a scum by tommorow night.

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Pretty much :slight_smile:

I will flip, please wait a second.

Playing alch oo

Sounds like a good plan, I’ll guard a town and bait Unseen into killing a Good King as a Knight guards me

Livicus. I want you to guard Kitten as it’s the best move for all of us as BD.
It you’re BD, you want the best as a whole.
Not the best for you

Don’t try and bullshit him into that
You’re scum as fuck

Marl, at end of game I want you begging on your knees saying sorry.
As I cannot believe you are being this scum motivated

Blame yourself for not reading your class card and not paying attention to the game at all.