SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Fire, I’m hard confirmed Princess.
I’m just trying to think of everything and I’m struggling hard.

You know exactly the way I play sir.

@Moleland why are you so confident on Boss?
We have no reason to suspect him, yet you want to push him above Polik/Fire or other inactive who’ve weirdly turned up and played out their hands quicker today
(They may be trying to blend in more now and it’s really confusing me)

I mean you could be right… it’s at least as likely that boss is assassin/convert as the other way round :thinking:

We need to get the mastermind

The assassin used two for one ik this for a fact. Unless the polik used his bomb

We were originally going to lynch Simon today right?

Then I think we do it

/vote Simon

That’s three votes.

I would like to hear a claim first

/unvote then

For now…

Polik how many stone skins u have left?

Polk how many have you used and have left?

People who were inactive, yet turned up quickly today:

I’m feeling Simon!Assassin is possible now.
Which is what’s frustrating me.

I’d say assassin is one of Fire/Polik/Simon
Mastermind potentially Boss or Simon (If not Assassin)
Dama is almost confirmed Alcoholic

I was the first poster

@Damafaud if you’re actually Drunk and you can explain yourself, then claim Drunk.
@Simon you too.
(As goes with everyone else)
@Boss110 you perhaps as well.

We need claims from all of ye.

Ignore my post why don’t u

I still have all three stoneskin potions.

Interesting you said three, I would of just accepted I used none.

Maybe the trap didn’t work because I said the same post mutiple times D:

Does this count as metagaming or no, just a reminder that I was poisoned at the very start of the day, so whoever was assassin either posted on the thread early, or is watching but completely silent

That’s sorta metagaming/angleshooting.
But you probably didn’t realise until after you said, so I personally forgive you.