SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]


And did you guys rename Waitress to Mistress? Because Mistress is honestly a better name all around

ANd I like the Merchant/Trader thing going on here

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I put way more effort into this than I should have tbh

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:scream: Marshal is going to be incredibly nice since it can legitimately check for essentially exact classes if they are smart

And it can literally check for exact classes :laughing:

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I like your efforts dude


Thanks again :blush:

Now I’ma go to bed

It’s almost 2 AM, I’ve been working on finishing this for literally hours, and I have a long day tomorrow.

Can’t wait to start, this should be fun!


Hey… pass me some butter so I can make sure Im not lynched D1 ha ha ha

one more thing

This is now more up-to-date than my actual ToL suggestion masterthread

So prepare to see a bunch of this heading to #feedback and #classes-roles soon!


Also no twilight posting in this game? Nice

Wonder if one random people like me can co host .-.

I would say yes if I was ze host :wink: but to be honest, a game like this with so many peeps might need 3 hosts stares at Ici

Especially since theres new classes and that means new conflicting actions

If I don’t end up co-hosting
/In as fuck

Wait a minute…


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

This would be literal months in FoL
so nearly impossible to win, lel

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The Merchant there is a class I’m suggesting for ToL, which Day 9 is already semi-hard to achieve but not impossible

But just looking at the two


need to work on my tol skills.