SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

April 2nd at 11pm :thinking:

April fools Marl!
I knew I couldn’t wisp anyway.
Look at the day before you vote me xxx <3

/vote PKR
i don’t know

If I was being honest, I didn’t read my class card.
After all, I made the mistake in the other game of thinking that Cult could disable king abilities.
It proves that I think with a ToL head sometimes.
In which Princess can wisp.
Ergo, that is what I thought…

Also, the fact that you delayed this long just to try and get me to slip really is problematic for you.
Remember, I CANNOT be a killer.
If I am anything, I am a converter.
And if that is the case, you should be wanting me to stay alive for now.
So that the conversion is not passed on.
Is this not correct?

Anyway, I can also be proven despite this all.
So, I feel like your foolish reasoning can easily be eliminated with the elimination of our King.
That way, I can step up with Royal Blood and prove I am NOT a converter, hence proving I am TOWN.


PKR - Moleland, Marluxion, Boss110 3/8

Wolfy - Firekitten 1/8

Not yet voted - Everyone else

With 14 alive, the majority is 8.

@Marluxion my reasoning and my way of proving myself does hold true does it not?
Nice attempt though at leading this wagon.
If I have a way to prove myself, then we should go with that, should we not?

Hi everyone but before we judge
Didn’t someone else make the same

People make mistakes.
I do too and I can admit to them.
However, there is simple proof which will confirm me as town without error.
As I cannot be a killer, I have to be converter or confirmed not-scum.
If I’m converter, I don’t have royal blood.
It is perfect.

Cough cough there is a neutral cough coufh

Baron though :thinking:

If you just tell us the king alignment we might let you live :slight_smile:

Do y’all want me to vote him?

This only holds true if the king dies.
Scum controls if the king dies (at night.)

Baron will always say king is evil regardless of the truth though

Yea but…

Baron would be nice to us today:slight_smile:

My message didn’t work
I blame pkr
/Vote Pkr

This statement just bothers me.
It reminds me of the tv shows which are like. You have no proof I nurdwred that guy

I hate it when they nurdwred my favorite characters

Anyway, Since nobody else has a better lynch today, let’s go with this one.


Odd enough

When a human dies in a movie no one really cares

When a dog or cat dies it’s war.

Marl, they can control night time.
We can control day time.

@Marluxion we’ll vote up King when we can and I’ll be proven. Either that or someone can check me. Another princess would see my class lines up, a sheriff/paladin would find I’m NS, a observer could faction check me as BD, a maid could test me for royal blood.