SFoL18 Post-Match Discussion

so the most he can win is a 2v3 with decide fate because 2v4 is also exactly 33%.

Another thing I would do is change how Hammer works.

If they got the prince voted and he was offline he would die without anything to say

I would say that after Hammer:

A: Anyone who is voting for the hammered person cannot change their vote

B: Anyone not voting for the hammered person can change votes

C: Anyone can use ability’s that would effect votes (such as pull rank)

D: The player with the most votes after 24 hours at most (less if there was less than 24 hours in the day remaining) is the one lynched.

E: Decide fate counts as unlimited votes and the king wins ties for this.

F: You cannot talk while this is happening.

This would prevent the time of logging on changing the trial result.

This matters for the Noble vs Evil King situation.

Oh and the system I just proposed means that Noble wins there unless King decide fates.

I like:

Shorter day/night cycles. It could be interesting to play around with it a bit too see who it effects and how good/bad it is for hem, and definitely something I’d like to see done at some point.
Less feedback. Offensive classes not being able to find occupy immune people is great, and not knowing who you’re redirected to solves the “Sheriff knows Alcoholic is converted” issue.
Concentrated Wine bypassing occupy immunity. I feel it makes it as useful in Unseen games as it is in Cult games, which is good.
Punishment for killing a Good King. Having a danger of killing the King encourages not doing that and replacing them out with a near-confirmed BD Royal.
Royal Pardon is situationally useful, but I like it a lot.
Loyalty/Scheme. I’d say they do the job that the current FoL King abilities are meant to do a lot better.
Head of State. Having the King’s vote carry more weight by default I feel is how it should be.
Wolf Companion being a day ability. Less confirmation on if bleeding came from scum or not.
Noble’s passive. Them having that but not Royal Blood makes an argument for not having someone with Royal Blood step up, which could end up being good for getting Evil/Neutral Kings crowned.
Wisp. The current FoL Wisp is an ability that I feel can fairly easily be used to confirm yourself, so replacing it with this is good on the merit of not having current Wisp alone.
Hidden Blade. Not knowing what faction it is just because they used their day ability is nice. Distract and 2-for-1 are nice additions to the Assassin’s kit also.
Convertible Sheriff, and Marshal’s abilities. Having a confirmed town that can’t be converted on top of Prince is unnecessary, so I like this change, and the abilities Marshal has are nice.
Automatic conversion failsafe. If you’ve already failed to convert twice your faction is lagging behind, so not adding more insult to injury is good.
Poacher actually being an Unseen Killer. I always thought it was weird that there were no killer conversions, and this fixes that well. That being said, if we added this change, it would be nice to mirror a cult killer conversion.
Baron. I really like this neutral, and feel it could really work, for all of it except one of its abilities.
Psychopathic King. I don’t know why current Psycho King doesn’t have guards, but they should.
Sorcerer. A class I was considering adding at one point, although not having Inquisitor with it I’m not sure about.
Trader. It’s an interesting neutral with a unique objective, and excepting one thing I like it.
Warlock. Another neutral I’d be interested in using, that really captures what a Neutral Offensive should be. The only thing I don’t like is calling the day ability Mindwarp, as even though with the changes you’ve made the old Mind Warp wouldn’t exist it’s generally not a good idea to recycle the same name for a different ability.

I don’t like:

Trial removal and Decide Fate as they were in SFoL18. I prefer having trials, although I have been considering if they need to be shorter.
Conduit makes sense to add, but I’m not sure I like it being Mystic’s primary ability. In saying that though, I would be interested in hearing the argument for that change, because I do understand that Mystic being Prince junior isn’t really the best.
Broker. I don’t mind it, but if we change Merc to be conversion immune then I wouldn’t want this either.
Illusionist having Channel. This is less of an issue than it would be in regular ToL of course, but having a converted Mystic be able to continue their fake claim with ease isn’t quite what I’d like the conversion path to be, especially considering how powerful their current Cult alt is because it’s otherwise a weak conversion. However, I do like Construct Reality and Mind Warp being merged to be more powerful, but if we make changes to Illusionist I would probably want to give them a different second ability than Channel.
Baron’s Proclaim Throne. I don’t think King should be able to be investigated from any source no matter what, so I don’t really like this ability.
Fools, Revenants, Electrocutioners and Demons IN REEEEEEEEE :^)
Trader’s We’re Closed! I feel like it should just be the same as Concentrated Wine, so that it isn’t uniquely identifiable by visitors.

Additional Notes:

Heretic and Evil King both have an ability called Scheme.
In The Sheriff’s “Converts into” box, Marshal is spelt incorrectly.



Illusionist has that ability as well, so it’s less safe to just gather claims and is more useful as a neighborizer.

I’d rather just rework the Cult Alt and allow Illusionist to act as a Mystic if they so choose than make Mystics almost certainly and entirely trustworthy.

Demon is just a more boring Sorcerer. I replaced it.


Dont mind me im being stupid like usually

72/24 is the best cycle length
Trials have always been unnececary in FoL; In ToL they’re helpful to make informed decisions about votes, but with longer day phases that’s unneeded. Plus, it kinda makes claiming a bit more brainless, in that you claim when on trial 100% of that time, instead of taking the more interesting avenue of dissecting when people claim from the wagon pressure.

Decide fate is an obvious need for change, but maybe it should have a limit on how many people are needed in order for the King’s influence to matter?