I can care less
He isn’t a killer
I can care less
He isn’t a killer
That’s nice, but my claim is pretty much confirmed.
u are still very scummy
if princess hadnt outted u would be hung so maybe try act more town if u rlly are xD
What else can I be?
I literally cannot be scum.
I’m either non-convertible Alchemist.
Or a squire
I want people to follow a distinct typing pattern. People Need to start noticing when someone suddenly starts talking too much or stops talking entirely. If we can catch the possessor acting differently it’s good.
I’ll start posting results daily. If I don’t give my result for the day you know I was poss’d
if that’s true then green must be lying about being drunk and was immune to an attack last night, so we hang green
/vote green
/vote Green
Btw, I couldn’t be the Possessor.
/Vote Green
Yeah I don’t trust green he could be possessor.
If he is drunk then someone kill Alex.
/Vote Alex
/Vote Green not Alex
how the frick did I get confused on that?
Were you prevented or something?
Either your the Possessor now by saying this since you were jailed, or you’re foolish for saying this because if the Possessor decides to hop in you, they can just make up the results.
Smart thinking
Scratch the last question I asked. Rather, did you have a merc on you like I thought that might have been the case further up?
It is smart thinking. Possessor has a 1/3 shot.
If he gets something wrong off with his head. If I say I check someone who has already claim chop off my head because I won’t check people who claimed.
/vote Green
I claim TotallyNotANightX
This will be interesting if Green was the Possessor and he just got themselves to be Wolfed because when he jumps, he will be healed.
/vote Green