SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]


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Fire every time you like one of my pretty boring posts it makes me think you’re trying to buddy up to me even more btw.

No just awful spotty cell service


So I shouldn’t like your post?

how is that so awful. it says it hours later.

Do what you like I was just explaining part of my reasoning.

FK does that all the time when he likes something tho


I know I’m probably just paranoid.

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I kinda need someone else experienced to chime in and give some thoughts.

You made me paranoid about liking post I like now.

good job



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And who is this person that I don’t know?


I saw that :thinking:

Do you not have a job or school or something

How come you are always watching

Because its summer

and I was on computer at that time so I saw the notification say whammerist and nuke

Wanna vote sam.

Already did.

We need to hammer him tbh