SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

Pretty sure I voted shurian.

Jeez peeps hello im back. 30mins to my class end.

Iā€™m pretty sure as soon as I vote sam I shall be insanely voted and shall be hung.

Hey whammerist can you iceward me since I wonā€™t be killing thanks.

We get more info from a Sam lynch, provided Celeste tells us the truth. Other than Shurians opening quote they havenā€™t done anything scummy.

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The iceward part or the sam?

Wellā€¦ Celeste rarely tells the truth whether sheā€™s town or scum :confused:


Wait. Why shouldnā€™t I be ice warded. It roleblocke the target.

If celeste lies as town she will probably be blackilsted.

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would you like a response to this

Okay Iā€™ll make this easier for you. I shall murder you if I donā€™t get ice warded

Hippo, she lied as Town before, Ms. Prince All the Time

10/10 town strats

i guess you donā€™t believe the role I claim

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Iā€™m going to die save me.



A) If we go on reads there is at least 5 people I would rather have protected than you.
B) If we go on roles there is at least 5 roles I would rather have protected than you.
C) If we go on help to town there is at least 5 people I would rather have protected than you.

Lying as town priest has 0 benefit and is just throwing though.

I can swap you I guess if that helps (as long as Wham protects me)

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A) If we go on reads there is at least 5 people I would rather have protected than you.
B) If we go on roles there is at least 5 roles I would rather have protected than you.
C) If we go on help to town there is at least 5 people I would rather have protected than you.