SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

@Margaret @PoisonedSquid results pls

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Who wants to bet sam was unseen.

After rereading the thread I still think sam was scum tbh

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We may have been healed, they may be blocked or they may be holding back for a double kill.

Letā€™s not jump to conclusions.

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Wait. Iā€™m mad orange didnā€™t let me kill orange

Wouldnā€™t you been notified that you were attacked but immune?

I donā€™t think so.

Altho you probably should in this mode.

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The Court Wizard ice warded Firekitten last night, thatā€™s about it

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wow whammerist actually did it

that makes me mildly suspicous of him ngl

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We just waiting for celeste.

We may as well get an idea of Sams alignment before lynching.

I think the threat of me killing him was high enough.

I donā€™t think he trusted me to not do it when clearly I wouldnā€™t of

wouldnā€™t HAVE

Iā€™m not really a fan of your answer either.

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Whatā€™s the difference between of and have.

Theyā€™re different words.

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I know this. But they both worked in the sentence.

Oh, and The Butler swapped Shurian and htm, results were typed one at a time

No only have works, of doesnā€™t make sense.

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Dammnit why did waste their limited use abilities