SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

Already locked on Max.

Will go find the reason in 1 sec

If you are scum, you would only know one of your scum buddies as traitorā€™s identity is unknown to Unseen.

Scum detected. Didnā€™t vote anyone.

So you donā€™t have a reason but have decided he scum :thinking:

/vote Nerbins vote someone


What were your reasons for suspecting Cel again?

Also while I donā€™t know your team I can narrow it down. For example it definitely isnā€™t Shurian unless my accusation is right for the wrong reasons as he would just like you.

Wham and Max could work and wham was even scum read by Firekitten for awhile. But nothing conclusive.

Max seemed to defend whammerist so could be :slight_smile:

Just dislike her tone.

192 hours, 48 minutes remain

You voted the priest because ā€œyou didnā€™t like her toneā€?

That would suggest that Max is Traitor that thinks Wham is scum if my line of reasoning is correct

No I voted a player because I didnā€™t like her tone. I think sheā€™s most likely scum. Why the hell does her being priest have anything to do with it?

That means if that was true that scum didnā€™t use their kill hoping to get a double kill.

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nerbins vote

Because priest is one of the most vital roles.

Which is likely true anyways.

max didnā€™t heal me even tho I asked him too

Meme could just replace priest.

I trust meme more than Celeste.