SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

Night plans are silly fire. Everyone do what you see fit unless your name is MaximusPrime in which case pls heal me cuz imma get so fucking killed.

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Just watched the most shockingly shit England game I’ve seen in a while, if anyone’s wondering why I stopped spamming for 90 minutes.

I’m just still in shock that we beat Germany

I watched that game it was so funny

Everyone loves seeing Germany lose

unless ur German I guess

Hey fuck you

I thought u were American

Ye but I like the German team as much as the next guy (who isn’t actively facing them)

But what if the next guy wants them to lose :thinking:

I mean I like them as a people but it is an accepted fact that noone ever wants Germany to do well.

Mainly cuz any game they play is 70% the German back line passing between themselves which makes thrilling television.

no u

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Did you make your pfp yourself?

It’s glorious.

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Where did you get it?

Also @Memesky since you are here thoughts on who the bad men are?


Please try ffs.

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Why did you all join if you’re not gonna do shit.

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