SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

If I sheep the vote, someone willl be angry
If I vote someone else, people believe I’m defending my scumteam
If I don’t vote at all, people ping me…

Bzzzt. Vote-Count-Bot reporting for duty. :robot: Beep boop.


Accused Voters Count
NuclearBurrito Firekitten, Hippolytus, 2/7
SoulShade Celeste 1/7

@Livicus will be replaced by @Whammerist


@NuclearBurrito who u think is badman?

You guys do realise this is time limited right.

And Whamm confirmed himself, rip


htm meme hippo squid

Probably town:


When did I get down graded. Feels bad.

Sorry but I realised you kinda snuck into the town block

Yes I did. Please let me sneak back in because it makes me feel special :frowning:

/vote Shurian actually


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I would rather vote nuke but shurian is online right now so that’s good.

Hey, just got on
And lemme take a moment to read through…

May we just state that sam has said one sentence and that was how unfun roles being revealed was.

@Sam17z please speak more

Here we GOOO
/vote Livicus

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B4 I dunno anything about this game and sharpeners intensify.

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Imma have to sleep soon so tis bad. Sowwy guys

I mean idk how to deduce this eveyone has a class and abilitieis I guess by town motivation + teaming idk

…can you speak ur town reads and scum reads?