SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

After I die, Meme sees that I am good. Shurian links minds with him and either Sketch or Max protect him. Hippo compares HTM with someone else to confirm him.

You won’t flip if that’s related your plan.

Also Nuke replaced out

Nerb I don’t think you understand that voting yourself if your BD is the worst thing you can do. We get no info from you and we need BD alive.


/vote whoever Burrito is

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I’ll rather no lynch than hang BD. Don’t vote yourself

Sketch replaced Nuke I think

Sketch replaced Wham.

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Joker replaced nuke sketch replace whammerist

And Joker has ONE POST.

Oh okay then

Got confused lul


I’ve seen plenty of BD lurkers get mislynched. Pretty null right now.

I’m going to Ice memesky tonight btw

If you were paladin who would you kill :thinking:

Oh god.

Too much pressure, GL with that :joy:

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Honestly though, probably Max, but I know you won’t commit to that.

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I’m just thinking about how there will be 3 deaths tonight and I killed a Bd and I will be sad.

I have a null on Max, but killing him would be risky.
He followed his own jurisdiction instead of listening to Hippo, which is pretty town Max.

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Max, you need to heal Hippo tonight, please

Parity cop is too good to lose. Don’t be a vigilante tonight.

Actually, scratch that. I forgot you have limited uses. WIFOM it.