SFoL26: Regicide III [Day 4]

I mean I’m still going to kill who I want to kill. Ima yolo 360 that unseen.


What did I miss?

Basically we got hammer I think

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Yeah that should be hammer

Squiddo has been lynched

retroactive VC and time remaining coming soon

Night will last roughly 24 hours


I am sorry everyone but I am going to Thailand tomorrow, so I will NOT be replacing in

@Nerbins will be replaced by @Blizer


How much time left

I’ll calculate it in a couple of hours

I just wanted to say that I’m heading back to the US now so I probably won’t be able to be on for a day
Don’t replace me or something, just on the plane k thx

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132 Hours, 41 Minutes Remain on the clock.

(but it is night time)

That was the calculation from start of day yesterday to end of day yesterday
I didn’t include the time spent in night

The Sun Rises over the kingless kingdom.

Overnight, two corpses were found.

Insanity and HTM have both been killed…

They were…


Check the Original Post, ya nerd.

On the corpse of Insanity lies the following death note:


132 Hours and 41 Minutes remain until The End.

Day begins.

Well… So no unseen dead or a pala

Oh yeah

Insanity was paladin kill

Did observer see anything last night?

I saw you and Shurian visit Hippo last night. Shurian also linked with me last night.

I’m guessing there is only one unseen left then?

If Squid was the unseen, yes there should be one left.