SFoL30 Conspiracy - Reroll Pending - Overmind Loses

jammthphg hamth recognmitght thme acthmtion mtho igth asmtheumthe ithh’mthe sghtill gamghed

/gag Memesky ill save us the trouble for today.


Rest in peace, Icibalus.

Marl and Rogue closed his mouth apperantly.That is what gag stands for

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Thank you

Sure i can do that

No problem, anything to make sure no one wants to commit suicide.

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Im confused, is this like bastardized blender?

@Jazz did you undelete revenant for this game?

Icibalus no longer appears to be gagged

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I kinda hope so tbh


Oww, so I ungagged Ici


fuck all of you i’m still tied up

Glug glagag lug pug dug rub on my tub fug aaaaug

Apparently you can do more than what your class card tells you.

Ill slap you with a fish

Hey, I helped! Show some gratitude :confused:

Why specifically a fish?

Deus vult slap ici’s noodle with a fish

also i just realised that someone promised they’d gag me pre-game
and it happened independently of whoever it was (I think it was celeste)