SFoL30 Conspiracy - Reroll Pending - Overmind Loses

That’s where you’re wrong, fucko

Thats just sounds like salt from being found D1 to be honest, for the past games, every scum kept replacing out cuz they got outted D1

Where is my salt emote tho ? I lost it


Class card flips exist. Classcard will appear Bd is bd.

Okay, stupid fucking thing to do honestly. People get called scum D1 all the fucking time. Dont overreact to this shit.

No read the op

“If you’re Squire, you’re automatically evil”

What kind of bullshit is that?!

Fine, to prove I’m not scum, I’m staying here, but just to let you know, anyone can carry a cross and walk away from magic

@Pug U can’t be sure of someones actual faction. Since people can join splinter factions that probably dont change the classcard other than add like an ability or something


I know. But in context of squid’s abil

There is also Idea`s which will be an interesting mechanic tbh.

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May we just set up some terms so we dont get confused because there are two bds.

Card BD = classcard is a bd class.

BD = faction is bd

Anyone who hasn’t visited me, should visit me via Test the Waters

No one will flip BD therefore they are lying.



Why visit you tho ?

It says, Mithras’ Blessing, can we really trust that though?

(Cuz I can tell if they reject magic or not apparently)

But i already visited someone else visit with test of waters so

Yeah, I’m more talking about the people who havent cuz they could gain useful info about mechanics