SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)


You have space aids

It’s such a shame that Steve Jobs died from ligma


When you only need 5 more :frowning:

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It looks like I’m not going to roll scum

What happens if you roll scum?

I won’t, not anymore :clap:

well at least not every single game

My place in Policy lynch D1 will be moved to livi for every next game

Not really its easy to know when Livi is town and when he’s not


At least… once you played a scum game with Livi that is…
I’m like the most obvious scum

If I dont die n2 or d3 in games something is terribly wrong

why not

I must death tunnel/whiteknight someone by d2 or im not me

If I’m not accused by Luxy at least once in a game, something has gone wrong


If Sam doesn’t accuse FK and vice versa D1, the world ends

When I and Alice get along nicely and then not anymore, otherwise you can declare war.

It’s not exactly my fault that I keep rolling scum. :sweat_smile:

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