SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

If alice was attacked then Sam is clearly a knight who had a great scumread d2 because he reads every thread in depth :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

also I slept peacefully tonight


Also let’s focus more on max as well…

This feels like a scummy opening post, It was trying to get into the thread on a joking mind so people think he’s bd…i’m explaining it bad but the fact I think he was trying to post something that doesn’t make him look suspicious right off the bat.

also uses the wrong definition in this just pointing this out, and in his own definition used “lamist” even though that’s not the right word.

there’s more in max iso but what do yall think of him.

Maybe Max was the assa trying to protect his MM

Maybe he’s just scum. :thinking:

implied Unseen

@Kirefitten did you claim already?

I did.

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livi dont say things like that

Hmm I see you have become learned in twisting words

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Found your claim and I can back it up

Litten is Squire I think

Why do I have two people who can back up my claim.

I’m watching all of y’all trying to pocket me


Max is not Cult.

I feel like he is specifically neutral. Maybe not even NK, but he deffo gives me neutral vibes.

I can also backup your claim

I think Max is Unseen on the contrary

Simple, people check you out.
You are squire or something that doesn’t leave their room.
Fool potential but unlikely imo.

If he was neutral he would have claimed D1. He has done this all the time as neutrals.

If you are going to claim, can you claim all the way.