SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Cause I’m fucking a do it yourself guy I used myself

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I see

that was unlucky for you

Also, FK, the wagon you were trying to start on me had some flawed logic. You planned to lynch me today and then have Noz CSed. But it means you choose a way to 100% kill a lesser threat (me) and an uncertain to work way to kill a bigger threat (NK). In actuality, even if you want the knight proof so much, you should kill NK at day and let me be HHed and CSed, since best case scenario the outcome would be the same (NK and me dead), but worst case scenario is better (me surviving past N3 is better than NK surviving).

That is all in a scenario when FK becomes King, of course. Also, unlike NK, I still have investigative abilities that can verify all royal claims and help BD. My ultimate point: kill NK > kill Pretender.

but if Litten becomes King, would you kill him

What if says nk swears on the lord that he won’t kill anybody bd won’t want me to

That’s why I am strongly suggesting to choose me as king, so I would have 0 reason (and no ability for that matter) to kill BD. But in case FK is king, it would be mighty dumb of me to attack him, I would have to accept his earlier offer (lynch him whem 1 scum remains) and use my invest abilities as BD wants.

/pardon btw

Trial has reached a verdict. But it will not end until a King is appointed in an hour.

It’s because trial must go 24 hours, so technically election has to end before the trial?

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And King can Overturn a trial as well.

I’d just force pardon this, I already said that I will use the ability up so I can’t do any funny stuff later.

Save it to DFE Luxy.

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I’m going to let you all know that I’m voting pretender for the memes right now :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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bazinga gimme reads

We already have a possessor to kill what more do we want

Why would we need to do that?

If astand tries to kill Litten all I have to do is deb the kill back to him

or other susps

Well, if you deb me to a non royal, I will not attack, that’s how it works.

We either jail and exe him or make him king imo. Leaving him alive is a mistake unless they become king.

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By making him king we can jail and exe nozbugs and lynch someone else

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