SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Oh voting the inactive, good idea. Last time I wanted to do that in the newbie hydra I was dismissed as a noob.

Accused Voters Count
Max Marg 1
Midonik Squid, hjasik, Litten, astand :crown: 5

Forgot to say earlier, majority is 12 (Guessing you already know that but making sure)

Someone claimed to have mechanical info on you

Ew, smite doesn’t work like ToL, ew.

Cleanse them then I guess?

“Some possible evidence” is far from mechanical info.

Anything that you could have done that would cause them to say this?

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I’m afraid that my actions last night can’t have led to him thinking that, neither can my faction. Guess it has to be something else then.

Why haven’t you shown motivation throughout the game so far? You’re moving into a lurker style that you said scum do

I said on N1, not N2

Prolly matchmake on u

Dont claim squid


My action on n1 is even less of an incriminating factor and you should know that.

Unless you are just reaction testing then you have no idea.

Oh really? What was your N1 action then?

I will out myself if I say this. I’d prefer this didn’t happen.

I’m afraid if I said my results first that you’ll lie about your results to correspond with mine


I’m afraid if I out myself I will die night 3.

You’ll die sooner if you don’t out your results, bucko


Well then, I guess you’ll have to put me on trial for me to say anything about my results then, because I don’t see myself outting my class today without a reason.

pls dont say youre prince