SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Frost’s posts are shorter and less detailed than his recent town games just saying

I am just saying I can’t think of any other reason for you to come up as not royal last night.

Just humour me for one minute Litten, for what reason do you convert Frost?

Marcus, he’s MECHANICALLY confirmed as evil. Stop trying to let frost get out of this.

He’s a target unlikely to have convert prevention on him?

“Why would I”

I don’t know, but he’s confirmed converted.

Marcus if you aren’t going to vote frost tell me how frost can’t have royal blood without being converted.

also 1:07 am I refuse to go to sleep

Okay that makes some sense at least. I’m just really surprised anyone would convert him.

Sometimes you need that easy convert to win

@astand are you sure you werent redirected when you disinherited Frost last night?

I did not get any redirected messages and as King I am redirection immune.

You can trust the observers I am not converted.

Why are you listening to Pretender king again?

I can explain for unseen part that I lose Alcoholist powers when MM got lynched but Noz still claims to have HH’ed.

I wouldn’t be surprised Astand removed my Royal Blood instead.

As for cult, the same apllies I couldn’t use HH as Cult Leader otherwise.


You aren’t scum buddies with frost, congrats.


/vote Frostwolf

Do you want BD to win? Make sure you got alternative now you got your RVS

My goal is to survive, why the hell would I lie to put suspicion on a person I confirmed to be BD yesterday.

How am I seeker that uses Happy hour, I can’t be starting Cult

What did you do last night Mr Cult?

No one thinks you are starting cult, and I know you aren’t.