SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

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Will this endless cycle of deaths continue? It seems there is no stopping it now…

@Ami was found dead last night!

He left the following log

So gg. Ya caught me! The mastermind! Well honestly this loss is all my fault. I played wayy to fucking ballsy by fake claiming poss. This log is mainly gonna be me apologizing to squid tbh. I recommened to tech that we convert her cause lol whynot. I also attacked marl as he is well marl. Not the best decision i’ve made here but by far not the worst. Honestly this starting scumteam was a complete nightmare. Tech as our converter and me as starting assassin. Thats not a recipe for success. I should have recommended a different target to convert N1. I should have converted Alice or maybe Sketch. Were we unlucky? Sorta yeah with the observer n1 along with the fucking exhume from Celeste, but most of this loss rests on my shoulders. Luv you all <3 I’ll now end this with some song lyrics
You’re staring into the clouds
Am I rising or they comin’ down
I see death around the corner
And the U-turn sign’s lookin’ like a smile
What do I do now? Who gon’ find me, how?
Nowhere to turn but around and round
Just another person that done lost his head
No, a fucking king that forgot his crown

There was no Deathnote

Noz was The Mastermind

@Marcus_Doodalee was found dead Last Night!

We could not find a Log
Thee was no Deathnote

Marcus was a Ritualist

Day 5 begins and will end in 48 hours. Go go!



what the heck



I was right to suspect Marcus

also I got greencheck

Btw I won’t say if I did or did not turn into noble.

feels bad

I got a neut check :smiley:

o really who are they?

mastermind died permamently now ye

This game is hilarious so far.


/Vote Captain
@Captain RIP into replacing in to that slot btw.
Considering you’re extremely likely neut killer

Evils are getting stormed

best town game had

/Vote Captain


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/vote cap

So Unseen is dead?

I feel so useless this game :disappointed_relieved:

Be useful and vote Captain :smiley: