SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Alice was peeked as BD and is probably Sheriff unless I got confused.

Aside that Hja checked Alice as BD.


Unless HTM disguised TechWolves during the lynch flip, there’s no reason to believe Unseen still lives.

tech was openwolfing, so no.

And Squid becoming assassin is proof tech was MM.

Frost, you are redirecting Geyde to me, yes?

@Shurian you better be on me :triumph:

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What do you think of bazinga and Luxy, did we miss something that clears them?

Ici: wtf why are you exeing me

Also Ici: wtf why are you pardoning me


Bazinga’s voting patterns are solid BD

Sketch this is shadethrowy af wth

Ici Who u thinks is scum

Hey, you’re the one who said it pal

I would say Sketch but he’s cleared p sure; I do not like the idea of him trying to shadethrow a peeked villager and then putting off the psot as if it was “just a joke”

oh wait lmao he’s the Prince
@Sketch please don’t shadethrow people for no reason as village

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What are you even doing this game lol

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I think that this guy is scum
Oh Wait he is prince

Literally nothing
I was too distracted with 2d3 for the past week + school and by the time I have the time and motivation mto play seriously.

And it appears I’ve come back when you guys have already won thanks to PoE.

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We have not Yet won if cult gets a Good convert it will begin all over again

pffft yeah right
