SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

MM is occupy immune.
Yet they used to show as non-OCC immune
As this game is limited feedback the occupier wouldn’t be told their ability worked/failed

I’d quite like an answer to my question, Sam.

Livicus is 100% not mm but could be assasin

Mad people here repost it for a response

Assassin turned MM?
Or convert?

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Here’s the question, @Sam17z


Well the only action that seemed to work is debbing Sam into Alice N2

and that’s about it

why cant he be starting assassin again

I would respond with cult imo. Livicus gained preassure real quick and it is very possible that they are unseen covnert right now assasin but if I am hh’ed means they can’t be converted N1

He redirected me N2

Usually means that player is BD

Most times but in triple threat there is 2 scum teams

3 scum teams with Noz as poss


Well I certainly can’t mechanically see my way out of that one.

I guess you’ll just have to trust me? :man_shrugging:

Oh and also, do you see me as starting Cult or a convert?


Ok guys, I may be making a bad play here, but I may provide some information.

I am Pretender and I tested blood on Frost N2 after they soft claimeld. They came up Drunk, and this result is exact and absolutely true. Therefore, it is impossible for Frost to have visited only one person N2, since Drunk visits both their targets.

The conclusion here is that PKR is almost certainly a liar here, and I honestly advice BD to be very careful here.

/step up btw

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Ok good another dirty neut out of the way

You’re the starting CL, but we’ll get to that when we have time

Ah, now THAT I can see my way out of.

Why would I as a starting cult visit Marl, of all people, N1?