SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

I legit just want to be a knight again, and not get Occupied and Converted.

/join, don’t make me a killer class this time

I want to be a killer class lol (Watch me be Assassin.)

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In b4 Pretender

Mole liked my post…

Oh no…

If Celeste joins this and rolls inquisitor she’s going to stab all her targets without checking a single one


I would too. Honestly YOLO is the best way to play the class.

It’s kinda stupid they know they are a target of the inquisitor.

It’s like htm letting blizer target know he wants him dead

I think it’s better than dying randomly

You know, Since NB brought up NK`s in this, I wouldnt mind seeing a Reaper or Possessor.

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So let’s let all the non unseen know the assassin wants them dead

Also let’s let the scorned target know they are a target.

see the problem here

I feel the pain from that SFM Htm had still.

I consider the Scorned target knowing that they are one, to be a Bastard Mechanic.

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Heathens know they are heathens in TOL though.


Hope not too late

I mean that’s fair, let’s take this argument towards TOL then @NuclearBurrito


Also I rolled cult

Also, Inquis makes the game more anti-mass claim, as it knows who it needs to kill (class wise) from game start.