SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Also my target of little bird didn’t visit anyone

Yes, I already mentioned the possibility pkr omitted something, its looking more possible now.

No, there will be suspicions on me because of frost and I’ll clear that up as much as I can.

Unseen can have 2~3 members.
Cult 2~4 members. (Assuming Maxi tells truth, then it’ll be 1~2)

Well, you were not assassin n2, since frost was alive, and max was cl n2.

Well I think he is knight since someone had to kill livi

And frost didn’t die N2 so ye

What we really need now is Pkr’s take on this.

The only knight.

I followed livi they had 3 visitors 1 is blue storm 1 is shurian and 1 other
Third one has already spoken today but didn’t claim the kill so I am pretty sure it’s shurian who killed livi

Also warlock is immune to attack of not BD so shurian is pretty much confirmed knight here

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Yes and no, I can agree with your reasoning that lynching the king is no good, that’s why I recommend the poison.

No hold on, how am I still alive N2.

I got defended by Shurian, yes?


Well it’s too much of risky gambit for Astand trying to kill me as heathen at that night, so he checks if I am Heathen.

I need to check up his class card, I don’t think heathens know each other.

Alternatively, he survived because of passive.

I assume that if inquisitor becomes king he becomes just normal neut king since I didnt see king version of inq in classes

yeah that make no sense, why get rid of evidence he is inquisitor?

Astand’s claim that I have no royal blood make no sense otherwise.

well if there is inq version of king then it should be written since there is no that means inq becomes neut king
also inq doesnt have royal blood and I dont believe ast could have become king without royal blood